It's Time To Stop Supporting Internet Explorer 7 (IE7)

Nobody uses IE7 any more (well 91% of people on the internet at least). Sure, your mother probably still uses Internet Explorer 7 because she’s stupid and doesn’t know anything about computers (you still have to show her where the power button is sometimes), but the market share of IE7 is currently sitting around 9% – I think it’s time we drop this archaic piece of shit.

Whoaaa, wait just a minute Dwayne. My mother uses IE7 and she thinks it’s great! if you were any smarter than your mother you would upgrade her browser while she was in the kitchen cooking your dinner. But the dramatic change of the icon for Internet Explorer might be too much for her, or perhaps you’re just making excuses.

Seriously though, IE7 is just as painful if not even more painful than developing for IE6. At least most issues in IE6 were sorted through hacks and JavaScript mix-ins, but that might be because IE6 came out in 2001.

Internet Explorer has its share of problems, not to mention JavaScript performance which could be its own blog post. Don’t get me started on performance of IE7 as a whole in general. If you are reading this in IE7, upgrade now, you have no excuse.