I Am A Serial Entrepreneur

Hi, my name is Dwayne and I am a serial entrepreneur. I come up with one new idea at least once day I think is awesome, I fire up my IDE on the train ride to work, I fire up my IDE during my lunch break, I fire up my IDE on the train ride home and then I fire up my IDE and code sometimes for a whole weekend. I can’t help myself, it’s an obsession, it’s a problem and my brain won’t switch off. If I’m not on the computer, I’m sketching ideas in one of my many notebooks full of untapped ideas, brand names, database schema’s drawn on paper and problems written in big letters with question marks.

I probably have about 15-20 mostly half finished projects sitting on my computer all sitting in private Github repo’s. I’ve toyed with the idea of releasing some of my project code, but am scared that someone will steal my efforts and then get rich off of my ideas, the very same ideas I neglected to complete. I have one project that has been in development for 5 years and to this day, the idea still hasn’t been executed by anyone else even though I still think after all these years it’s great and yet, it’s not complete in my eyes, maybe in another 5 years when I obtain the superpower of being able to focus on one idea at a time.

What should I do? How am I able to get these projects completed, if not all perhaps one or two of them?