Github For Windows, So Good It Crashes Multiple Times Daily

When I first of Github for Windows being announced I exclaimed, “Well it’s about time someone released a nice looking Windows application for interfacing with Git” after installing it and encountering a couple of crashes (I can live with that, I was still smitten) I merely restarted Github but then once the crashes kept happening I went looking for a way to log a issue somewhere and surprisingly couldn’t find anything.

I would have thought an application built by Github would have some kind of repository somewhere where I can log an error ticket, I really want to use Github for Windows but the constant crashes make it almost impossible.

I see the below message constantly:

Unless I am just blind (and there is a good chance I am), perhaps someone over at Github can contact me and I can run a profiler or something to help get these bugs squashed, I would love to help, I want to see this application being a part of my everyday workflow. The fact I’m using a 64bit copy of Windows 7 might have something to do with it, or there is a good chance it’s a general issue everyone is having on Windows.