Google Chrome and Flash: Heaven vs Hell

I love Google Chrome, it’s been my browser for a very long time now especially since Firefox failed to address the severe memory leaking issues it has had for years and only just recently did something about it.

One thing that taints the greatness of Google Chrome is the embedded copy of Flash that it comes installed with. The embedded version which has the filename, “pepflashplayer.dll” doesn’t work.

It seems the issue which has been one that comes and goes with each update has been happening for the last couple of weeks or so. Flashplayer uses minimum 25% of CPU, usually 50% and for some it uses 100% CPU. You can fix the issue by disabling the bundled version in Chrome via the chrome://plugins page but this only temporarily fixes the problem.

The issue is although disabling the bundled version of Shockwave Flash fixes the issue, Chrome is hell-bent on re-enabling it every chance it can get. Fair enough I understand Flash can pose some serious security issues, but this is ridiculous. It’s making my life as a web developer hard and it’s making me seriously consider going back to Firefox again.