Is Not Sexy (And You Know It)

With all of this talk and Twitter fucking over third party developers I keep seeing comments like, “what about” and “We don’t need a new service, already exists so lets just use that” first and foremost is the biggest steaming pile of shit you will ever lay your eyes upon and use.

My first thoughts upon visiting’s site are, “This site looks like shit” functionality aside, it’s the UX that matters in my opinion. People won’t use your service if it looks like junk, especially when sites like Twitter look far more attractive and user friendly. If you’re going to clone Twitter, do it right not half-assed and gross looking like a salad without dressing, it’s a salad but it’s not an awesome salad with tasty and zesty home made dressing like Twitter.

So bitch and whine all you like, looks matter and as far as I am concerned hasn’t and never will catch on because it’s an atrocious, half-assed attempt at a Twitter clone. This Twitter clone script which is unoriginally called, “Twitter Script”, see for yourself. Not only does it offer the same functionality as Twitter and, it even looks better than Fair enough it steals the design of Twitter, but maybe that’s what should have done.