Sometimes in WordPress when you want to query a particular page but don’t know it’s ID and know better than to rely on it’s title there is no way to really query it. For example if you had a contact page that used a custom template called, “contact-page-template.php” there is no internal function that does this for you.
WordPress stores the page template into a private custom field on each page that has a custom template assigned. Using meta queries, we can query pages by this custom value. The following function will allow you to query a page by it’s template and either return or echo an array of contents as well as support for a single key (you only want the title or url for example).
'meta_query' => array(
'key' => '_wp_page_template',
'value' => $template_name
// Query for our page by template name
$contact_query = new WP_Query($args);
// We should only ever have one, but if the template is usable on multiple pages
// then this is good to have.
if ( $contact_query->have_posts() ) {
// This is where we'll store our info
$info_arr = array();
// While we have pages
while ( $contact_query->have_posts() ) {
$info_arr[] = array(
'ID' => get_the_ID(),
'title' => get_the_title(),
'url' => get_permalink()
// If we have an array with page data
if ( !empty($info_arr) ) {
// If only one page in our array, simplify the array
if ( count($info_arr) == 1 ) {
// Simplified array
$info_arr = $info_arr[0];
// If we are returning the array, then return it
if ($return === TRUE) {
if ($single_key === FALSE) {
return $info_arr;
} else {
if ( isset($info_arr[$single_key]) ) {
return $info_arr[$single_key];
// If we have a single key and want to echo
if ($single_key !== FALSE && $return === FALSE) {
// Check our single key exists
if (isset($info_arr[$single_key])) {
echo $info_arr[$single_key];
} else {
return FALSE;
} else {
// Array is empty, give it and return FALSE
return FALSE;
$stuff = get_page_by_template('page-template-file-name.php');
if ($stuff) {