Is Intimidating

The quality of most of the articles you read on hipster-esque publishing platform (essentially a Tumblr for better written, thought provoking and high quality topics) is top notch. I don’t think I’ve ever read a bad article on Medium, everything I’ve read is well-thought-out and written.

So, recently when I was given an invite to Medium I was ecstatic. I had been wanting to gain access to the platform since hearing about it and the moment I finally got an account that I too could publish my own articles on, I came up blank.

I had been waiting for this moment since it launched and there I was staring at the screen in fear.

The problem with Medium is that it’s an intimidating platform. I don’t consider myself a horribly bad writer, besides my grammar being sub-par, I still feel as though I can enunciate myself more clearly than some others.

I have a lot of ideas as to what I want to or could write about, but given the high quality of the platforms existing content, I can’t bring myself to publish anything out of fear it won’t be good enough.

Maybe it’s just me or maybe there are a lot of others just like me out there afraid to hit the publish button on Medium, afraid of bringing down the quality of the site with a botched article.

It doesn’t appear to be deterring those who have written one or two articles on the site already, some people are just more confident than others I guess.

I just came to the conclusion after writing this that this post probably would have a decent first post on my Medium account.

Oh, well. Maybe one day I’ll convince myself that I’m good enough for Medium, just not today.