Hello Kohana, Goodbye Codeigniter

Well it’s been a few days since moving from Codeigniter and while there are some noticeable differences, I’ve grown to really love Kohana. The inclusion of ORM, an auth library, support for HMVC and how the framework is pieced together just feels notches above what Codeigniter was able to achieve.

I did try and use Kohana a couple of years back, but my love for Codeigniter was so great, I couldn’t justify the time to truly learn Kohana properly nor appreciate it’s power.

I will be writing tutorials once I get a firm enough grasp of the framework and then releasing open source code contributions much like I did with Codeigniter. I’m planning on building my personal startup project I have yet to reveal on-top of Kohana, so I’ll also be documenting that as I go on.

So long Codeigniter and thanks for all the shoes.