Sweden Offers Permanent Blanket Asylum To Syrians

Whoa. I bet nobody saw that coming, but Sweden has just announced any Syrian who applies for asylum in Sweden will get it. Basically opening the doors for a potential culture crisis in the years to come.

While you can’t deny Sweden has meatballs of steel doing this and are no doubt deliberately setting a good example in which other countries hopefully do the same, it’s a crazy idea. Sweden isn’t an overly large place and has enough illegal immigration issues to worry about as it is.

Different cultures and religious beliefs could cause some serious tensions in the country. What would happen if say these Syrian’s who are Muslim start demanding Sharia law in the country and causing trouble until it’s a reality? I’m not saying that’s what will happen, but historically conflicting religious beliefs have been known to cause problems (even here in Australia).

Is this the right decision? It’s certainly better than Obama’s plan to bomb the country and kill more helpless people as opposed to giving people hope and a chance.