My Experience Obtaining Australian Suburb/City/Region/Locality Data

When it comes to obtaining a comprehensive database of suburbs, cities, towns, regions and localities in Australia, to put it simply: it’s a painful process.

As far as I am aware, there is nothing out there (for free anyway) that offers up-to-date and comprehensive information about suburbs, cities, towns and more. So, I bit the bullet and ended up purchasing the data myself from this site.

To be quite honest, I was VERY sceptical I would even receive the data. The site looked dodgy, the .info domain didn’t inspire confidence either. However, after paying my $50 AUD, I received the data instantly. However, I needed a MySQL copy of the data and their support was super quick to respond and offer me a MySQL export of the data I could import. SOLD!

I now have a database of locality information and it is surprisingly specific and accurate. It has more information than you would expect and for the price, it is well worth it (especially if your site/application needs specific location data).