WordPress 4.0: What's Going On?

WordPress 4.0 the next major version of WordPress has hit beta version 2 and it is the most underwhelming major release of WordPress in the history of WordPress.

Previously, every major iteration of the popular CMS has come with a plethora of changes (whether it be UI or core based), in 4.0 there is pretty much nothing new. There are bug fixes and a couple of little changes, but nothing like you would expect for major milestone.


The newest change in 4.0 is the fact the media uploader has support for a grid layout and wait for it, the plugins page now also displays your plugins in a grid structure. I like grids as much as the next developer, but I would hardly call a couple of relatively simple layout tweaks worthy of a major release version number.

I think the WordPress team need to sit down and revise their continuous versioning/release process as it is evident the process sucks when it comes to major versions. 4.0 thus far feels more like version 3.9.2 or more appropriately 3.10 perhaps.

Maybe I just think differently, maybe major versions shouldn’t always come loaded with new features and changes. Who knows? All I know is WordPress needs some substantial improvements that 4.0 could have provided, but didn’t (media folders anyone). I’ll go sit back in my corner now.