Is The Ebola Outbreak Merely An Outbreak or Biological Warfare?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock on Mars with your fingers in your ears, then you have heard about the latest health scare to hit the mainstream media since Swine Flu: Ebola virus.

As is always the case, whenever there is an outbreak of anything, the tin-foil wearing conspiracy theorists start proclaiming this is the end of the world, a ploy to take away the rights of Americans, a tactical ploy to start World War 3 and merely a segue into some kind of New World Order/One World Government.

I’ve done a lot of research into the current ebola virus and here are some facts.

The Facts

  • This is the worse case of Ebola in recorded history
  • There is no known cure for Ebola, survivors are monitored and given treatment
  • The death rate for the current Ebola outbreak is over 50% and can reach as high as 90%
  • Ebola traditionally spreads through close contact; saliva, sweat and bodily fluids.

Then there is the speculation and downright crazy.

The Speculation

  • The current strain of Ebola was created by the US Government and is actually patented by The U.S. Centers for Disease Control called, “EboBun” with patent number CA2741523A1. This is to hold a monopoly on any creation of a vaccine for Ebola.
  • The outbreak is a depopulationist plot to reduce the worlds population
  • It’s a plot to reset particular countries with high poverty/homelessness
  • The Ebola outbreak is a false flag attack from the US Government to start World War 3 and they are going to blame a terrorist organisation or country like Russia for the outbreak and use it as a reason to attack
  • The Ebola outbreak is a ploy to hold innocent civilians prisoner inside of FEMA camps

While nothing can truly be ruled out, it is a little strange that the CDC has a patent on a particular strain of the Ebola virus which was only recently granted. It does feel like there are a lot of world events happening at the moment; Pro russian rebel <> Ukraine conflict, MH17 being shot down, Israel and Hamas war, a global outbreak of Ebola would be the icing on the cake.

Weaponised Ebola

The prospect of the current outbreak being biologically created in a lab is a very real one. During the Cold War, Soviet scientists successfully created a strain of the Ebola virus in a laboratory and it has even been observed as being spreadable through the air (traditionally Ebola is spread through fluids and contact).

If the Soviet’s were trying to weaponise Ebola, you can almost guarantee that US Government were doing the same. Even though the Biological Weapons Convention of 1972 meant that all signatory’s were to destroy and cease any kind of biological weapons research and production. But as the US Government has proven, they’re not afraid of secretive agency run initiatives like PRISM.

If you wanted to test a biological weapon like Ebola in the most unsuspecting location, you would pick a region known for Ebola in the first place. There is a possibility that current African outbreak is a test of sorts of how effectively a weaponised strain of Ebola can spread and kill and it is highly possible people are just drawing conclusions to coincidences.

I am not one for easily believing what I read, but I keep an open mind and believe anything is possible (after the NSA spying revelations, anything is possible). There seems to be a lot of bad things happening all at once. While not all directly related, it does paint a growing picture of instability in certain parts of the world. Rising instability historically has been linked to the start of wars and global conflicts.

Keep an open mind, stay informed, but don’t believe everything you read (especially about the Ebola virus). Remember Swine Flu AKA H1N1? Whatever happened to that?