How I Got An Almost $2000 Course On Udemy For Free

I love Udemy. I own about 10 different courses on there, and have completed a few. From self-defence courses to programming and design, I have bought a few of them.

Today, I received an email from Udemy:

Hi Dwayne,

From the day you joined Udemy, you’ve embodied it’s ideals. You are why I wake up just a little earlier, stay just a little later, and work a little harder. Udemy’s mission is to create a place where anyone can learn anything online, and when I see student’s like you, it feels like we may just get there.

I’d like to thank you for that inspiration by buying your next course for you. No strings or caveats. Simply pick whatever course you want to take next, reply to this message with the URL of the course (here’s how to do that) and my team will add it to your account in the next few days.

Once again, thank you for being a lifelong learner.


Dennis Yang
Udemy CEO

The course I picked? A $1995 course I would never EVER warrant purchasing. The ShoeMoney system. I have heard of this course before and seen nice things said about it, so I figured if Udemy is letting me pick any course for free, why not pick one of the most expensive ones?

It is small gestures of appreciation like this that make me love Udemy even more. They’ve always had their marketing skills down-pat with their frequent discounts and sales, but this just takes it to a whole new level.

I will be writing a non-biased review on the ShoeMoney System in the weeks ahead considering I got it for free, it’ll be an honest review that isn’t biased or justifying the expensive purchased.