Misinformed Voting Is Dangerous: QLD State Election

On Saturday the 31st of January Queensland public went to the polling booths to cast their vote and say in who gets to lead Queensland going forward. Both sides (LNP and Labor) had been slinging words at one another in what looks like primary school playground fighting all the way up to and during the election.

Looking at it non-objectively, both political parties have their pros and cons. Unfortunately, most people who voted didn’t vote because they took the time to understand which political party aligns with their beliefs but rather instead opting to vote against the socially unpopular party: in this case it is the LNP.

As predicted, the LNP lost out in Queensland and quite substantially too. I personally voted for Labor, but not because it was cool to hate on the LNP, but because the policies Labor were proposing aligned with my beliefs and the future of Queensland (especially in regards to the Great Barrier Reef).

However, it pains me when I think about just how misinformed and disconnected the general voting public is when it comes to consciously voting for the party that appeals to them more than just what they look like or how they talk.

While there are some out there who take a level-headed approach to deciding who they vote for, many do not. Just looking at my Facebook feed in the lead up to the state election and a little after, I saw a tonne of posts saying who they voted for and hateful things towards our current prime minister (who is LNP) even though it was a state election, people were using the policies of the federal government against Campbell Newman. I didn’t vote for Labor because I hated Campbell Newman, I voted for Labor because I hated a few of LNP’s policies.

I can’t ever recall seeing anyone saying who they were voting for and giving a logical reason for doing so. Not once did I hear any coherent argument like;

I am voting for LNP because I believe in their budget plan

I am voting for Labor because I want to save the Great Barrier Reef and prevent big business from buying their way past legislation roadblocks

A lot of people vote with emotion and a mob mentality. I implore you to be more informed, think about who you are voting for, why you are voting for them and whether or not you’re voting for or against a party because your friends and family are or because you legitimately wanted to vote for them.

Democracy is a gift, don’t waste it. There are a tonne of countries out there comprised of citizens who would love to be able to freely vote for who they choose but cannot.