The Anti-Vaccination Movement Needs To Be Vaccinated

If you don’t vaccinate your kids you should be given two choices and these two choices only:

  1. Have your kids taken off of you and put into custody of the state. You should then attend a court hearing where you might face numerous charges ranging from jeopardising the health of your children and the health of other children to abuse.


  1. You can vaccinate your children, not be fined/sent to jail, keep your children and stop being a fucking idiot.

The arguments of some of these “anti-vaccination” loonies range from; the vaccination will give my kid a disability, vaccinations are against my religious beliefs, we have immune systems that can fight things like this and the really crazy: the Government are putting things in vaccines to try and control us because of a New World Order conspiracy to reduce the population.

If you don’t vaccinate your children, you are a piece of shit and you don’t deserve to have kids. There is absolutely no excuse NOT to vaccinate your children, not one single valid excuse (unless your child is allergic).

Ever heard of Smallpox, perhaps you know someone who might have had it once, no? Well aren’t you lucky. That’s because Smallpox was 100% eradicated by a vaccine years ago… This virus killed close to 500 million people in the early 20th century, now it doesn’t exist. Vaccines, amazing, right?

Hundreds of millions of people died before they even got the chance to get saved by a vaccine. And yet here you are, sipping on your fair trade organic coffee, most likely smoking pot snd lurking on conspiracy websites about how unsafe or unethical vaccines are. If it wasn’t for a vaccine being discovered, who knows what would have happened if Smallpox got worse than it actually did.

What is it going to take for people who are a part of the anti-vaccination movement to realise how stupid they are? Are they just going to let their kids possibly die or end up really sick, potentially making other people near them sick in the process?

I think tried and tested essential vaccines for things like whooping cough, measles and anything else that has a vaccine should be mandatory and enforced by law.

Unless your child has a legitimate medical reason not to have a vaccine (a small subset of the population can’t actually have certain vaccines), your beliefs should not matter, your children get vaccinated whether you like it or not.

If you don’t vaccinate your children, you aren’t fit to be a parent and you deserve to have your children taken off of you. It’s such a shame they haven’t come up with a vaccine for stupidity (yet).