Increase Galaxy S6 Performance: Disable DVFS

As much as I love my new Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, it does suffer from some bad performance issues at times. Even playing non graphically intensive games or applications can produce noticeable lag.

While the hardware in the phone is definitely not sub-par, a certain feature on Samsung phones since Jellybean called Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) can have an effect on the phones performance.

Without going into too greater detail, DVFS causes the phone to scale down CPU performance to prevent the phone from getting too hot. The more power being consumed, the more heat generated. As a result, the phone will encounter lag when playing a 3D intensive game or CPU intensive application.

How to disable DVFS

First and foremost, you need to have a rooted Samsung Galaxy S6. If your S6 is not rooted, then I do not think there is a way to disable DVFS reliably without a rooted device.

  • Step 1: Download ES File Explorer from the Google Play store. It is a free download.
  • Step 2: Slide out the left drawer, under tools turn on Root Explorer.
  • Step 3: Now head on to the System partition, then the sys folder. The exact location you want to end up in: sys > devices > 14ac0000.mali
  • Step 4: Find the file dvfs and then long press it. You want to now open up the permissions dialog by going to: More > Properties > Permissions
  • Step 5: Now uncheck all of the permissions on the permissions dialog so no box is ticked.
  • Step 6: Now do the same for two other files in the same folder dvfs_min_lock and dvfs_max_lock. Unchecking all of the permission boxes.

That is it. Your S6 will now be more noticeably faster and snappier when navigating between applications, playing games or doing anything that might make the DVFS trigger and slow the phone down.