Aurelia Code Snippets

I swear this will be my last Aurelia post for a little while. As the community and use of the framework grows, I thought it would be a great idea to create a repository of handy code snippets for use with the Aurelia Javascript framework.

One of those features is the Value Converters feature where a custom Value Converter can be created to modify values within a View. The repository currently has a few converters for working with dates, a couple for iterating objects and eventually there will be many more.

But the repository is not just limited to Value Converters. The repository will have code snippets relating to every aspect of the framework. From custom Router recipes and tricks to custom elements and bindings.

Obviously I don’t want to be the only person submitting snippets, so if you’re keen to contribute: fork the repo and send a PR with your code snippets. The repository for Aurelia Code Snippets can be browsed here.