If you read the Australian news every so often, then you would know that we are currently going through an ice epidemic. If you’re not familiar, Ice is slang for crystal methamphetamine or crystal meth.
Is Breaking Bad to blame? Who knows. However, recently I was playing Card Wars on my Samsung Galaxy S6 and the following popped up. I couldn’t help but laugh, I wonder if Cartoon Network realises how wrong this could be interpreted?
A wolf of some kind who is quite clearly off his head on ice. Coincidentally he needs ice and loves to party hard. He is inviting us to a party, but says we can only come if we bring ice. This in-game wolf is asking us to bring drugs to a party he invited us to. Awesome.
But what happens once you get this wolf the ice he desires, do we get our party invite, perhaps it is a sting operation?
Nope, our dear stranger wolf gives us an invite because “you can’t have a party without ice”, a lot of people in Australia would probably not argue with that…