Stop Windows 10 Restarting Your Computer After Updating

By default Windows 10 will automatically download and install updates without telling you. While this sounds nice in theory, by default it will also restart your computer after installing updates as well.

I like to leave my computer on over night, whether it be because of a torrent I am downloading or I am uploading large amounts of files to DropBox. This is an annoying default setting.

Fortunately we have the option to be notified that updates have been installed and asked to reset (sort of like how it was during the Windows 7 days).

  • Go into the settings app
  • Go to Update & Security > Windows Update
  • Click on the Advanced options link
  • In the dropdown under the heading, “Choose how updates are installed”, select “Notify to schedule restart”

That’s it. Now you won’t leave your computer on and possibly come back to find it restarted. Note, this won’t disable automatic updates, it just stops your PC from restarting.