Adding The Aurelia Fetch Client Into An Aurelia CLI Project

So you’re using the CLI to build your next Aurelia application and you want to use the Fetch client? You might have noticed by default it does not come configured with the Fetch client. Fortunately, adding it in is a piece of cake.

Firstly, we want to install the Fetch Client as well as a Fetch polyfill:

npm install aurelia-fetch-client whatwg-fetch --save

Now open up aurelia_project/aurelia.json

At the bottom in the bundles section, more specifically vendor-bundle.js look for the prepend section and add in the polyfill as this will be global and we want to include it before anything else. You might notice I put it above the RequireJS line.

"prepend": [

Now e need to add into the dependencies section in the vendor bundle the reference to the aurelia-fetch-client dependency. I like things being in alphabetical order, so I put it above aurelia-framework.


Now you can use the Fetch client in your apps import {HttpClient} from 'aurelia-fetch-client';