As many of you know, I love working with Aurelia and I love working with Firebase. I have been combining both of these together to create personal projects for a while now.
Newly introduced server-side rendering also strengthens my toolbelt with the ability to quickly spin up new Aurelia applications without having to worry about configuration and tooling.
This is why I have open sourced my Aurelia Firebase SSR Skeleton on Github. A starter for creating Aurelia applications, think of it as being similar to the skeleton applications Aurelia currently offers, but more up-to-date and easier to work with.
This starter is more verbose than what you might be used to, and it assumes some ways of working with Aurelia. Keep in mind that this skeleton is not for everyone, you might not want to use TypeScript or work with Firebase. If so, then this is not for you.
- Setup to work with TypeScript
- Authentication (email/password and social auth sign in via Google) using Firebase
- Firebase’ FireStore for the database
- Setup for routing by default
- Server-side rendering (including initial state passed from server to client)
- Setup for state management using Aurelia Store
The skeleton also makes for a great example application showing you how to work with the great Aurelia Store plugin, especially with remote data from Firebase. And although this skeleton assumes a few things, it is based on the Aurelia CLI and easy to change to work with say a REST API or other use cases.
This is very much to scratch my own itch. I seem to only work with Firebase and Aurelia these days, so an application setup with some defaults out-of-the-box works well for me and even if only as a learning exercise, this skeleton should serve as a prime example of how to work with some cool technologies and build an Aurelia application.
If you are also curious about server-side rendering in Aurelia, then this is a great showcase setup which not only shows you how to get it working but also how to use the Aurelia Store plugin and pass initial state from the server through to the client.
Go forth.