TAD (Test After Development)

Testing is a crucial part of any modern development process. If you’re not testing your code, you might as well be writing it blindfolded and hoping when you push to production that it works, if the company doesn’t go bankrupt from all of the bugs first.

But, I am a realist. Being honest, we all start out wanting to build things right. We want to test everything, writing both unit and integration tests to make sure everything works as intended. The company you work for might even allow for time to write tests until reality hits you on the back of the head.

Priorities change. The higher-ups want the product you’re working on to ship in two months, and there is easily four months of work in Jira, it’s going to be a mission to get it all completed in time.

In my experience, tests are usually the first thing to be removed in the face of more pressing priorities (like actually building the product and making money).

A word on Test Driven Development (TDD)

I have always been a fan of test-driven development. And I have been fortunate to be in a position where I have been able to explore TDD, and when it works, boy does it work. By works, I mean when a company agrees to invest the time into a test-driven development process.

Every project I work on, my first thought is “TDD would be great for this”, but once again, priorities shift, and it becomes hard to justify the short-term investment for the long-term gain that TDD provides. Even if your entire development team wants something, management gets the final word, and it all comes down to money in the end (we’ll talk about that later).

You need tests

In an ideal world, we would all be writing our tests first and then making our code make them pass, make them fail, make them pass. A good test not only helps you design clean code, but it also has the added benefit of documenting your code as well.

If TDD is more time consuming and harder to justify to your company, does this mean you give up on writing tests completely? Heck no.

In any medium to large application, tests are as crucial as decent server infrastructure; they should be the oxygen to your app brain. No oxygen and the brain will slowly die.

Inevitably, many developers end up resorting to TAD (Test After Development) because it’s easier and faster (at least initially). Writing the code first and then going back and writing the tests after the fact. It is not super ideal, but any tests are better than no tests.

Many would argue that if you get into the habit of TDD, over time, you will get faster at writing tests and code, that the long-term benefits outweigh the short-term caveats. The buy-in from stakeholders is the hard part. If it were easy, everyone would be doing TDD.

The longer you work on a project, the more crucial tests become. As the scope widens and feature set increases, things are more likely to break, and some of your architectural decisions early on are bound to come back and bite you (something that TDD would help you most likely avoid).

The whole point of TDD is that initially, work takes longer to complete than not prescribing to TDD, but your code will be more stable and less error-prone.

An experienced surgeon doesn’t rush to cut you open and perform heart surgery right away; they take their time and slowly get the job done. Programming is not heart surgery, but if you’re working on critical systems where functioning clean code is essential (like a space shuttle or nuclear power plant), it’s equally as important you get it right.

However, it all comes down to cost

The deciding factor in any decision you make within your company always comes down to money. The short-term benefits of TDD are hard to quantify, and if you do your job correctly, the number of bugs and refactoring work you need to do will be substantially lower (almost zero), but how do you prove that to non-technical higher-ups?

You can’t. It’s all well and good to say we have fewer bugs since adhering to TDD principles, but it is challenging to prove that TDD is the reason for that and not just increased familiarity and skill-level being the main factor.

  • Does it take more time to finish a task? Yes.
  • Will it cost the company more time and money? Yes.
  • Will there be a learning curve for inexperienced developers (especially juniors)? Yes.

Once again, you could argue that writing the code and then writing the tests, going back and refactoring your code and then having to fix your tests takes a lot more time using TAD: you’re right. Looking at TDD through neutral coloured glasses, there are more benefits than downsides if time is not an option.

But, the industry is weird. Many managers still measure the value and productivity of developers by the number of lines of code they write and commits they’re pushing up. And what produces the most lines of code and commits? TAD. It’s inefficient, but even non-technical people can see you look busy.

Developer A and Developer B side-by-side, Developer A is writing and shipping code faster than the other. It might be laden with errors and horrendous compared to Developer B’s well-architected and clean code, but it works and if there is one thing managers love more than saving money, it’s shipping code on time.


If you can’t convince the company you work for to give TDD a chance, TAD is still an acceptable albeit less than the ideal alternative of no tests. As long as you have tests, there is always room for improvement.