How To Generate An SSH Key and Add The Public Key To A Remote Server

The thing with SSH authentication is I can never remember the steps to generate an SSH key, and then add that SSH public key to the remote server so SSH authentication works.

I had all of this in a text file, but honestly, I reference my own blog for knowledge on how to do things all of the time, I thought I’d write up a quick post.

You can find numerous blog posts on this, but I always seem to find a straightforward explanation to give me what I need, that I just consulted my text file on my desktop.

Generating An SSH Key

This will generate both private and public keypairs.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""
# Generates a new private and public keypair, using the email as the label

You’ll be asked to enter a keyphrase. Personally, I don’t use keyphrases for my keys (I know I probably should). So, I skip the following.

Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:

For the key names, by default it’ll generate id_rsa and but you can name these whatever you want. Because I am dealing with CI providers like Travis CI and GitHub Actions, I generate keys every time I do something with a server.

Add Your Public Key To The Remote Server

Basically, we copy the contents of the public key and store it in the authorized_keys file in the .ssh folder on the server.

cat ~/.ssh/id\ | ssh 'cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized\_keys'

If you kept the default name, keep as the key name. For add in your server username and the server domain name or IP address. The second string part just copies the contents of the file into the authorized_keys file on the server.