Vue 3 is Finally Released

After an endless stream of betas and release candidates, Vue 3 is finally here.

Congratulations to the Vue team and all of the contributors who made the release happen. As many of you know, I’m on the Aurelia core team and I’ve seen how hard it is shipping a new major release. Aurelia 2 itself has been in development for quite a while now.

I haven’t made my criticisms of React a secret and I am glad that there are frameworks and libraries still around challenging React/keeping it honest, even if it is the king of the hill at present. In Vue 3, there are new composition features, support for TypeScript (finally) and other features which are more React-esque.

Largely, it appears migrating from Vue 2 to Vue 3 is a breeze, I can’t really see any overly big breaking changes that would hinder migration to the new shiny version for users, however, plugin maintainers appear to have more work cut out for them.

It’s a mammoth effort and I plan on having a play with Vue 3 shortly to try out the new features that it brings.