GitHub Gets Dark More (finally), Here Is How You Turn It On

A large majority of developers love dark mode. And for years, GitHub (the developer platform of choice for source control) has noticeably been devoid of dark mode. Which is kind of ironic, considering it’s the popular choice.

There are third party scripts and ways of making GitHub dark, but a native dark mode is always best. Admittedly, I’m not motivated enough to go installing some third party creation (especially if the slightest change can break it).

During GitHub Universal, they announced a lot of cool things, but one thing they announced has overshadowed everything else for me: native dark mode support. To me, that is all that matters.

Finally, I don’t have to have my retinas seared like a steak on a molten lava hot grill late at night when I find myself on GitHub (which is frequently).

If you visit this link to your appearance settings, you have the option of the light scheme (yuck), choosing to use the system default (if dark mode is enabled on an OS level, it will turn dark) and finally, always enable dark mode (which you should).

Seriously, look how beautiful GitHub is now.

And they are still not done yet. If you find the contrast too polarising, GitHub have plans to ship more colour options for those with accessibility issues.

After we are done with dark mode, we will ship accessible color modes for people with color blindness.

— Nat Friedman (@natfriedman) November 23, 2020