Inferred bindable properties in Aurelia 2

About a year or so ago in the internal Aurelia core team chat, I raised an idea for inferred bindings. A lot of the time I find myself binding to values that have the same name as the bindable property.

The idea is simple, say I have a custom element that has a bindable property called products, I would then most likely do something like the following:

It has always felt a bit redundant to me that I am specifying a property and then more often than not passing in a value of the same name. Well, after raising this again in the Aurelia core team chat, I was shocked to discover that this has been implemented.

You can now write the following:

The ="" part gets removed and Aurelia will look to your view-model for a property of the same name. While this might seem small, it makes the world of difference when you have custom elements with 4+ bindable properties, you save a lot of characters here.