Where to Buy a Stand for Your Neural DSP Quad Cortex

The Quad Cortex is great for live use as well as studio settings. If you’re like me, you have the Quad Cortex sitting on your desk, and you interact with it using the screen.

The device isn’t angled, so it can be tricky to adjust things on the screen or get to the inputs and outputs on the back.

Fortunately, the Quad Cortex is similar in size to an Apple Macbook. So, naturally, the solution for a Quad Cortex stand is a laptop stand, specifically, a stand that can be angled and has a flat bottom.

There is a lot to choose from, but, this is the one I opted for and it’s just the right size. I got this exact laptop stand from Amazon here.

Pardon the smudges

As you can see the stand is the right size for the Quad Cortex. It doesn’t stick out on the back and it perfectly holds it into place.

The stand without anything on it

The only regret that I have buying this stand is getting the black colour. It doesn’t look terrible, but I should have bought this silver one instead. I think it would have matched the colour of the Quad Cortex a lot better.