Seamless Preset Switching On the Quad Cortex: It’s Complicated

So, you bought the Quad Cortex. A floor modeller marketed as the most powerful modeller on the planet, but you’ve noticed the delay when switching between presets.

You might not know this, but every competing modeller from the Line 6 Helix through to the Axe-FX suffers from delay when switching presets. The current blocks need to be unloaded, the new ones loaded.

The solution is to use scenes. Think of presets and scenes like this.

  • Preset = song
  • Scene = song part

Although, you can also leverage scenes to build multi-faceted presets where scenes are used as faux presets. On Cortex Cloud, there are some clever all-in-one presets that take this approach which work well.

In most situations, it’s rare you would ever have a need to change presets mid song. The delay, while not huge, would be noticeable. Changes mid performance would definitely be better suited to scenes.