How to Enable HTTPS for Amazon Elastic Beanstalk

Have you ever been stuck on a problem that makes you feel so stupid, you get a serious case of impostor syndrome? Welcome to another instalment of Amazon Beanstalk bad UX.

You go to the listeners section in the load balancer configuration section, you get to this popup:

You choose HTTPS, you enter port 443 and you hit add. You see “pending create” in the list and assume that you’ve just configured your load balancer to support HTTPS. All is well.

You attempt to visit the https version of your site and nothing works. You reload the configuration screen and the https listener you just added is nowhere to be seen. Maybe you repeat this a few times before you start to feel really stupid. Welcome to my life.

You are not stupid. You are doing everything right. It’s Amazon and their terrible UX who are to blame. In fact, it turns out this horrible career questioning UI has been around for years.

After you hit the add button, you haven’t added anything until you hit the apply button on the configure screen. Click “add” and then scroll to the bottom to the following buttons:

Click the “Apply” button and you’ll add the https listener for real this time. Seriously, Amazon. Fix this terrible UI already.