The Quad Cortex Desktop Editor is Finally Announced

I first wrote about derails of the long awaited desktop editor for the Quad Cortex back in February 2022. At that point, it had been revealed a team had been working on the editor for months. Here we are fourteen months later and we have confirmation of a release.

In their April 2023 update, they revealed they’ll be showing off a beta of Cortex Control at NAMM. On top of that, the QC’s will also be running CorOS 2.1.0 beta as well to support the editor.

Now, we know from community efforts like OpenCortex that the Quad Cortex has been capable of VNC like remote access for a whole now. The QC essentially runs a server. Presumably the desktop editor will work in a similar way to open source efforts. It’ll be interesting if this opens up the possibility of reverse engineering the desktop app and allowing the community to create their own clients.

The remaining question on everyone’s lips is still: when is the Quad Cortex going to get plugin support? A question still don’t have an answer to.