Martha Stewart comes out swinging against remote work

Hold the phone, everyone. Martha Stewart, yes, that Martha Stewart has decided to grace us with her hot take on remote work. Spoiler alert: she’s not a fan. Apparently, she believes you can’t possibly get everything done working part-time in the office and part-time from home. Martha, I hate to break it to you, but the rest of us aren’t trying to juggle a cooking show, a magazine, and a bedding line — we’re just trying to pay our mortgages and buy the occasional carton of eggs (thanks, inflation).

And just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, Martha decided to take a swipe at France and their ‘foolish’ tradition of taking August off. According to Martha, that’s why France isn’t a “thriving country.” Oh, Martha, always with the zingers! I’m sure the French, who are sipping wine in the countryside while we’re glued to our desks, are devastated by your critique

But let’s not forget Martha is a champion of the hustle. She even thinks employers should be able to call employees anytime — and yes, that includes weekends. So next time you’re at your kid’s soccer game or enjoying a quiet dinner with your spouse, don’t forget to keep your phone handy.

Martha also regaled us with a story about a new employee who had the audacity to bathe on a Sunday. Can you believe it? Taking personal time on a day off? The sheer nerve! But don’t worry, Martha quickly put him in his place. Because in Martha’s world, business is exciting, and there’s no room for such trivialities as ‘personal time’ or ‘boundaries’​

In the midst of all this, Martha also had some life-changing advice for all the bosses out there: “A boss never orders decaf.” Well, slap my forehead and call me enlightened. All this time, I’ve been doing it wrong. Starting tomorrow, it’s green juice for this guy.

So, there you have it. Martha Stewart, whose formative years were spent in a world without the internet, now wants to dictate how the digital workforce should operate. It’s like your grandma trying to explain TikTok, isn’t it?