An Update On Thrice's Horizons/West Record From Their Recent VIP Meet & Greet

I saw my favourite band, Thrice, recently at their Brisbane show, and unlike other Australian tours, they did a VIP thing where you could pay extra to meet the band, a Q&A, and a couple of songs.

Naturally, one of the questions that came up at the Q&A (presumably at all of their VIP meet and greets) is the subject of Horizons/West, the long-awaited sister record to Horizons/East, released in 2021.

Sadly, Dustin said the record is currently in pieces, and they’re trying to put it all together and that it most likely won’t be out until late 2024. This would mean possibly three years since Horizons/East was released.

And seeing the boys play The Artist In The Ambulance in its entirety was also an awesome experience and a few fan favourites. Dustin is sounding better than ever. the accousticy version of Stare At The Sun he played with Teppei at the VIP pre-show was goosebump worthy.

So, we know Horizons/West is coming, but sadly, it looks like it won’t be in 2023 like most were expecting.