When scaffolding new projects or features, repetitive tasks like file creation and boilerplate code can waste valuable time. That’s where Plop comes in—a …
Posts in Front End Development
Rate limiting is a crucial aspect of building scalable and secure web applications. It helps prevent abuse and ensures the fair usage of resources. In this blog …
If you’ve ever found yourself knee-deep in a pile of asynchronous Fetch API calls, you’ll understand the desire to have a method for controlling …
When hiring front-end developers, there are many ways to evaluate candidates’ skills and abilities. However, some assessment methods can be exclusionary, …
In some use cases, it can be beneficial to pass environment variables into your code. In my case, at build time I pass an environment variable to Webpack in the …
After avoiding Tailwind for such a long time, I finally decided to sit down and see what the hype was all about and use it with Aurelia 2.
There are some pros …
After an outage seven days ago, unpkgd.com, a widely used CDN for NPM packages, is again down.
This time, the outage is more severe. At the time of writing, …
As much as I love front-end development, the ecosystem can sometimes inflict unnecessary pain. Given the front-end ecosystem relies on very few packages for a …
For years now, bubbling underneath the surface there has been a proverbial sewer of Javascript frameworks and libraries flowing through the community.
It got to …
As many readers of this blog know, I have been quite actively involved in Aurelia for over two and a half years now, it’s actually almost three years. You …