If you are a user of the versatile Zurb Foundation CSS framework, then you would probably have noticed it is missing one crucial component: a DateTime picker. …
Posts in General
An article by Geoff Wozniak titled What ORM’s have taught me: just learn SQL was doing the rounds of Hacker News today and raises some interesting points. …
Unless you’ve been living under a rock on Mars with your fingers in your ears, then you have heard about the latest health scare to hit the mainstream …
A wonderful feature of Ruby on Rails and also coincidentally in Laravel 4 is mass assignment. Basically you can throw an array of values at your model and …
When it comes to structuring your MySQL database you have one of two choices. You can normalise your schema or you can denormalise it. Both have their …
Recently whilst building a Laravel 4 application, I needed to validate some monetary values in the form of: 10.00, 5.00 and so on. Surprisingly Laravel’s …
There is a lot of confusion when it comes to MySQL and views versus stored procedures. Many people often wonder what the difference is between the two of them? …
Now that I use a Mac for work I use Sequel Pro for administering databases (at home I use Navicat, but can’t warrant the expense for work paying for a Mac …
I actually really like the Blade templating parser that Laravel ships with, but I know there are many who do not like it. Funny story about Blade, it was …
Recently whilst trying to use the Zurb Foundation Abide validation component I ran into an issue where I was getting a bizarre error involving form validation. …