Whenever I am working I listen to a wide-variety of different genres of music. My dominant genre is metal and other derivatives of heavy music which I enjoy. …
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In these uncertain pandemic times, seeing mask shortages and other shortages has our family thinking about self-sustainability. What can we rely on when supply …
COVID-19 has changed how we live and how we work, it has also changed how we parent. As parents have been thrown into the unknown as schools are closed or …
A few days ago I came across an article by Jared Palmer titled GitHub isn’t fun anymore besides the somewhat clickbait-y title he talks about the changes …
I am a huge fan of Let’s Encrypt and their free SSL certificate service using Certbot. However, recently whilst setting up a new domain name and …
I have been using Travis CI for my continuous workflow needs for a very long time now. It does what it does and it does it well. However, Travis is an …
And the government wonders why people were sceptical of the CovidSafe rollout (besides the very real safety concerns). It seems the CovidSafe rollout is flawed, …
Remember Voat? The non-censored alternative to Reddit that saw an influx of users in 2015 after Reddit started cleaning up its house a bit and claims of …
I love a good meme and when I encountered Imgflip’s AI meme generator recently, even more so. As I cycled through the generator I noticed that it started …
The controversial Australian government contact tracing application based on the Singapore version has finally been released for Australians. Understandably, a …