One of the most important aspects of a web application (besides the application itself) is how configurable it is. Where you define key global pieces of data …
Posts in Javascript
One feature missing in ES2015 (formerly ES6) classes is the concept of a private variable or function. However, thanks to ES2015 modules we can actually easily …
At my day job, I am currently building a pretty complex Aurelia application. One such component of the application is a widget system which allows ES2015 …
Recently whilst working on my day-job project I needed to get a HTMLElement from the DOM and then store it as a string. Using innerHTML obviously didn’t …
If you are currently working with the Aurelia Javascript framework, then you would know that every so often given the not-so-beta nature of the framework, a new …
Leading off from my previous post about swapping variable values, I thought I would write a follow-up post on how to reverse a string in Javascript. …
While most developers will probably never encounter a situation where they’ll need to swap two integer values without a third variable unless you’re …
Life on the front-end side of the development tracks can be an exercise in patience and learning endurance. When it comes to front-end package managers, there …
As Javascript slowly becomes a less salty language thanks in part to ECMAScript 2015 (formerly ES6) amd ECMAScript 2016 (formerly ES7), the question of whether …
Modern Javascript is a lot different to Javascript of 2010. We have considerably more methods and means of doing things that we did not have previously. Some of …