Update 28/1/2016: This post was about Angular 1, it was published well before Angular 2 was even near ready for beta release. A bit has changed since then, but …
Posts in Javascript
There are tonnes of exciting things happening in the Javascript space in 2015. The two most exciting things for me are React.js by Facebook and Aurelia by Rob …
The beautiful of simplicity of React.js doesn’t only extend to components, but also mixins. Essentially mixins can extend components and all of the …
I am rather smitten with Aurelia but it’s hard to deny the popularity of React. To avoid a situation where it’s React or nothing, to get the best of …
Recently in Aurelia I ran into a peculiar issue using the bundled Browser Sync Gulp task for deploying a test server. When visiting a parameterised URL the …
Update: January 2017
I am using Aurelia, still. I am loving working with it and I find it hard to work with anything else. Aurelia has been stable and has saved …
Javascript is an ever-growing language, especially now that releases for ECMAScript specifications now operate on a yearly release schedule. As such the …
The only browser to support the BroadcastChannel API is Firefox 38 (at the time of writing this) which isn’t slated for release until May, 2015. If you are …
React.js is the greatest thing to happen to front-end development in a long time. It is fast, it allows us to break our application into bite-sized chunks and …
As Alfred Pennyworth once profoundly said in The Dark Knight Rises:
Some front-end developers just want to watch the world burn.
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark …