Posts in Opinion

Newsletters Are The New Startups

As much as some people wanted to believe in Slack’s tagline that email was dead, it seems in 2020 that email is anything but dead. I observe trends in …

Thoughts On Ember Octane

When it comes to JavaScript frameworks, few can lay claim to the longevity of Ember which just turned eight years old. To give readers some perspective, Ember …

Boeing Is Too Big Too Fail

People once thought the banking industry was too big to fail, some seriously big financial institutions ultimately proved that wrong during the Global Financial …

Thoughts On Svelte.

The hype surrounding Svelte right now is inescapable. Every blog post comment section, the article comment section on or Twitter thread/hot take seems to …

Ryan's Toy Review Is Child Exploitation

Being a parent, as any other parent would attest is rewarding, but hard work. And nothing has made modern parenting more challenging than YouTube. We managed to …