I made a realisation the other day, I own a lot of games. Not just on PC, but on my Nintendo Switch as well. Of all of the games I own, I've …
Could Grand Theft Auto 6 Copy Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020’s Realism?
There has been plenty of talk and speculation for years about what a Grand Theft Auto 6 game could look like, what world it would be set in …
The Ethics of Web Scraping
Not that kind of scraping. If you're a developer, chances are in your career you've written a web scraper before. You either did it for a …
Has Spotify Censored Joe Rogan?
Well, it has barely been a day with Joe Rogan starting his new $100 million dollars multi-year deal with Spotify and already the move is …
Is TikTok A National Security Threat Or Political Football?
If you've been following any tech news for the last few weeks, you have probably heard about the TikTok situation unfolding in the US where …
Newsletters Are The New Startups
As much as some people wanted to believe in Slack's tagline that email was dead, it seems in 2020 that email is anything but dead. I observe …
Thoughts On The LG Battery-powered Face Mask
It looks like a new hardware arms race is upon us. I am not talking about consumers rushing to buy GPU's to mine cryptocurrencies in their …
My Thoughts On The “no-code” Hype Trend
The latest trend in web design and development is no-code. Well, it's not exactly latest, the trend has been around for a while now. You can …
It’s Almost 2021 & Meteor Is Still Alive
Apparently, rumours of Meteor.js demise have been greatly exaggerated. Back in March 2020, the Meteor team released version 1.10 which saw a …