When it comes to JavaScript frameworks, few can lay claim to the longevity of Ember which just turned eight years old. To give readers some …
Boeing Is Too Big Too Fail
People once thought the banking industry was too big to fail, some seriously big financial institutions ultimately proved that wrong during …
Thoughts On Svelte.
The hype surrounding Svelte right now is inescapable. Every blog post comment section, the article comment section on Dev.to or Twitter …
Ryan’s Toy Review Is Child Exploitation
Being a parent, as any other parent would attest is rewarding, but hard work. And nothing has made modern parenting more challenging than …
When To Use State Management In Front-end Applications?
As ubiquitous as state management has become in front-end development, it is still a confusing magical black box to most developers. Data …
TAD (Test After Development)
Testing is a crucial part of any modern development process. If you're not testing your code, you might as well be writing it blindfolded …
Your Privacy Is An Illusion
All eyes are on Facebook at the moment as it was revealed that Cambridge Analytica a third-party company exploited loopholes in Facebook's …
The Decline of Medium.com
I still fondly remember when Medium first hit the scene. Everyone loved the quality of the writing and variety, every article I read was …
Developers: Disable Your Adblocker On StackOverflow
If you're a developer, then there is a very high possibility that at some point, you've needed to Google an issue and you encountered a …