I love freshly baked sliced bread. I don't know of anyone who doesn't love sliced bread, except maybe people who can't have gluten or …
I Shot Tupac Shakur: Why I don’t really like Star Wars
I know you're probably stunned right now, perhaps even in a little state of shock hearing that. But it is true: I don't really like Star …
Youtube Threatens To Break PewDewPie’s Kneecaps
Youtube has announced a new subscription program called Youtube Red. This subscription will cost $10 per month and allow you to use Youtube …
Uninstall Flash
It is time to uninstall Flash. The notoriously insecure multimedia plugin is causing more issues than it is worth. Of late there have been …
Australian Metadata Leak
What happens if and when the newly introduced metadata retention scheme in Australia encounters its first leak? Effective today October …
In Defence of The Hamburger Menu
Over the last year or so there have been a lot of articles all decrying the use of the hamburger icon for navigation. The icon itself isn't …
The Alternative To Spotify Is Piracy
When it comes to music streaming, Spotify is the leader with over 60 million listeners, 15 million of which are paid listeners. Over the …
My Thoughts On Jetbrains Toolbox: SaaS Moneygrab
Recently the makers of Webstorm, Jetbrains announced something called Jetbrains Toolbox. The site describes it as a "new licencing model" …
Windows 10’s Wifi Sense Feature Is Awesome
How many of your friends and family come over and want to use your wifi? For me, It would take me a while to count all of the people who I …