Over two years ago (wow, has it really been that long?) I launched builtwithaurelia a showcase of Aurelia applications and community created offerings for the …
Posts in Side Projects
Towards the early part of 2017, I embarked on creating a bunch of quick single-purpose web applications to keep myself busy and sharp. One of those apps was a …
For a while I’ve had a great domain name just lying around and it dawned on me what it could be a while ago, so I decided to use seo.fit for a SEO …
As a developer, I love Github and use it to not only contain my public and private development projects, but also follow other interesting projects. Sometimes …
I know, I said another side project would be coming in February, but I have created another quick little Aurelia side project for January.
Introducing …
I’ve made it a kind of New Years Resolution to build little silly, niche apps in 2017 and onwards. And doing what I said I would do, I have built …