The web industry is rife with job titles. Front End Ninja, Front End Overlord, Front End Engineer, Front End Developer, I could go on. The …
Compass Is Dead (To Me) Why I Am Removing Compass From My Workflow
Once upon a time Compass was an invaluable value add to any SASS project. Rather than looking up vendor prefixes all of the time or …
Sublime Text Editor Shortcuts Every Developer Should Know Or Else!
Chances are if you're a web developer, front-ender, PHP programmer, web expert or whatever your title is, you use Sublime Text Editor and …
FROTH AT THE MOUTH: WordPress JSON REST API Coming To WordPress 4.1
Provided nothing is pushed back, the Wordpress JSON REST API plugin is being integrated into the Wordpress core and is slated for version …
How To Create A MySQL Database, User and Grant Privileges Via The Command Line/Terminal
The common mistake that newbies make when using MySQL is using the same username and password for all of their connected applications. …
How To Seed A Database In Laravel 4
I have been writing a lot about Laravel lately and recently I was asked about database table seeding. Chances are you already use the …
Front-end Component Driven Development
As the web continues to evolve and front-end development continues to become even more complicated, the need to adapt and implement …
How To Remove Border-radius Rounded Corners From Buttons In Bootstrap 3
In Bootstrap 3, the buttons (well a lot of elements) have a border radius value giving them rounded corners. Now I don't know about you, but …
Does Using HTML5 Markup Tags On Your Website Improve SEO?
I was asked this question by a colleague recently when discussing SEO and modern front-end web development. I think most of us assume that …