I'll give you a hint: it is not to catch terrorists or prevent terrorist organisations communicating and plotting terrorist acts in …
Node.js + MongoDB = The Internet of Things (IoT)
Move over web 2.0, AJAX, flat design and NoSQL, there is a new buzzword in town that goes by the name of The Internet of Things or as it is …
The Australian Start-up Scene: Begging For Holes In The Plastic
The thick plastic sheet currently encasing most Australian start-ups is begging to be pricked with a venture capitalists fork. It's not …
Foundation v5 DateTimePicker
If you are a user of the versatile Zurb Foundation CSS framework, then you would probably have noticed it is missing one crucial component: …
What SQL Has Taught Me: Just Use An ORM
An article by Geoff Wozniak titled What ORM's have taught me: just learn SQL was doing the rounds of Hacker News today and raises some …
Is The Ebola Outbreak Merely An Outbreak or Biological Warfare?
Unless you've been living under a rock on Mars with your fingers in your ears, then you have heard about the latest health scare to hit the …
Mass Assignment in Laravel 4
A wonderful feature of Ruby on Rails and also coincidentally in Laravel 4 is mass assignment. Basically you can throw an array of values at …
Databases: Should You Normalise or Denormalise Your Tables?
When it comes to structuring your MySQL database you have one of two choices. You can normalise your schema or you can denormalise it. Both …
Laravel Form Validation For Float Values Using Regex Rules
Recently whilst building a Laravel 4 application, I needed to validate some monetary values in the form of: 10.00, 5.00 and so on. …