Due to recent developments in the Hacker News community and people raging over the questionable moderation and hate Paul Graham of Y Combinator has for anyone …
People often believe that cloud hosting solutions like Amazon’s EC2 offering are a platinum bullet when it comes to reliable and infinite web scaling and …
In-case you didn’t already hear, Michael Sippey of Twitter has just announced drastic changes to Twitter which will affect pretty much every single decent …
The general consensus of a lot of places I’ve worked at whether it be the opinion of a manager or old way of thinking directly from the top is that if you …
It seems like every single other aspect of the web has evolved and or is constantly evolving but when it comes to stopping spam the immediate staple choice is a …
First time Woocommerce user, long time WP-Ecommerce user. I recently built a store using WordPress to sell some t-shirts online as a work project via my …
The only way to succeed in life is to fail, and you will fail more than once.
WordPress is a fantastic CMS, it makes my day-to-day job easy because I know it inside and out really well, any site I can build using WordPress I will because …
When I first of Github for Windows being announced I exclaimed, “Well it’s about time someone released a nice looking Windows application for …
Recently I worked on a project that required a form to be duplicated into an iframe for AJAX uploading of an image on a WordPress website. When triggering a …