I had a rather interesting use-case recently where I needed to take the contents of an HTML dropdown on a website which had timezones and …
Fixing Distorted/Pixelated Buggy Sound In Windows 10
This is a really strange issue I encounter sporadically in Windows 10. Even freshly installing Windows and the issue will still occur. I use …
Create a Trello Kanban Layout Using CSS Grid
Arguably, one of the best additions to CSS in a very long time is CSS Grid. If you have been a developer longer than a minute, there is a …
Firebase Is Great for Lazy Developers Like Myself Who Hate Setting up Backends
I have been solely a front-end developer for six years now and while I can still find my way around on the backend (with Node and PHP) my …
Moment.js Officially Becomes A Legacy Project In Maintenance Mode
Well, here is an announcement that probably won't surprise anyone who has used Moment in the last few years, especially trying to get the …
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Is The New Crysis
The old Internet meme which was rooted in reality, "But, can it run Crysis?" believe it or not, Crysis was released in 2007 and since then, …
Elon Musk Is a Fancy Marketing Man Who Wants to Put an Implant Into Your Brain and Make You Boop
It's hard to deny that Elon Musk's brand of futuristic dreamer type thinking is not contagious. I, for one, am excited about the future of …
No time for gaming.
I made a realisation the other day, I own a lot of games. Not just on PC, but on my Nintendo Switch as well. Of all of the games I own, I've …
Firebase vs Supabase
For such a long time, Firebase has been in a league of its own. Not only does Firebase offer hosting, cloud functions (AWS Lambda serverless …