There are some amazingly high quality themes on Themeforest but for every quality theme there appears to be 10 bad themes. I am not entirely sure how …
We’ve all been there at one stage or another. You have a grid of items that are floated using float: left but their heights are different. So your items …
You can edit any page imaginable in WordPress, except the 404 error page. Usually the 404 error page is only editable by opening up the 404.php file in your …
As you may already be aware of, iOS devices (iPhone, iPad and iPod) do not support the hover event. While this isn’t usually a problem, when it comes to …
Whilst recently working on a WordPress theme I needed a way to apply gradients to elements via Javascript without having to write 5 separate lines for …
There is no denying that the WordPress Theme Customisation API is an awesome addition (added in version 3.4) however there are some things that it can’t …
Chances are if you’re developing a responsive website and using a Google map you will encounter an issue where the zoom control and street view control …