The saying you get what you pay for rings true. Recently while working with a really nice client (just one lady running her own unique business) I came across …
Recently while developing a site for a friend they wanted Facebook comments instead of the regular WordPress comments. Integrating was very easy, however when …
in all my years being a web developer I’ve never noticed Firefox has an annoying problem with file input fields and the size attribute. For you see if you …
We can all rest easy now that Google Maps have landed in the Apple app store to much fanfare. While the hate directed towards Apple’s bundled iOS maps was …
Github have been on a change binge of late, revamping Gist and continually adding in new features to their main core product but in this case they’ve …
In the last year and a half there had been a trend of creating single page websites and navigating within the sections of the page using anchor links and some …