You might have noticed that you don’t hear about GraphQL as much as you used to. Some people might have you believe that developers have lost interest in …
Sentiment analysis is usually a task that requires a specialised dataset and machine-learning techniques to implement properly. However, I thought it might be a …
The Fetch API is a modern and efficient way to retrieve resources from a server. It is an interface that provides a unified way to fetch resources from …
I tend to get excited about virtual reality and have wanted to see it succeed for over a decade. While VR has undoubtedly grown, it’s not mainstream due …
Harry Potter fans have waited for an open-world Harry Potter game for almost two decades, and it’s crazy to think that we may have finally got what we …
I have never understood why FizzBuzz was deemed a means of screening developers. The idea is for multiples of 3; you print Fizz. For multiples of 5, you print …
ChatGPT is an AI-powered conversational API by Open AI that generates a lot of hype and fear amongst consumers, professionals and experts alike. Depending on …
Have you ever stopped to think about the impact social media has on your peace of mind? It was a realisation that came too late towards the end of 2022. The …
Well, it’s 2023, and many experts are predicting a recession on the horizon. And while no one knows how bad it will be or if many countries will avoid …