What is flex: 1 shorthand for?

What is flex: 1 shorthand for?

If you have used Flexbox before in CSS, you might have used the shorthand property flex: 1. And if you’re like me, you might have been using it but …
1 min read
Unpkgd Is Down (Again)

Unpkgd Is Down (Again)

After an outage seven days ago, unpkgd.com, a widely used CDN for NPM packages, is again down. This time, the outage is more severe. At the time of writing, …
1 min read
Thoughts on Bun

Thoughts on Bun

Say what you will, but since its introduction in 2009, Node.js has been the undisputed king of server-side Javascript. Created by Ryan Dahl, Node.js had …
2 min read
The metaverse is a scam

The metaverse is a scam

There’s been a lot of talk about the metaverse over the last year. According to its advocates, it will be a revolutionary new platform that will let us …
2 min read