I actually have had a draft of this post in my ideas folder for about one month now and I have been constantly putting it off.
What actually prompted me to …
As Alfred Pennyworth once profoundly said in The Dark Knight Rises:
Some front-end developers just want to watch the world burn.
Alfred Pennyworth, The Dark …
As ES6 edges closer to evergreen browser support by the estimated mid–2015, many are wondering given the MASSIVE inevitable API breaking changes in Angular 2.0 …
You might have noticed I have been writing about ES6 a lot lately. This is because I am excited about ES6 and thanks to the use of transpilers we can actually …
It’s time for another ES6 post. This time, we’re talking about arguably one of the best additions to Javascript that is up there with modules and classes. …
On Saturday the 31st of January Queensland public went to the polling booths to cast their vote and say in who gets to lead Queensland going forward. Both sides …
With ES6 comes a plethora of new features and changes, one of those is Weakmaps – essentially Weakmaps are a collection of keys and values with the main …
I have been an avid user of Sublime Text Editor for as long as I can remember. I still remember when I used to use Notepad++ and the day I switched over to …
One of many favourite things in ECMAScript 6 (aka ES6) is the newly added arrow functions. If you’re a Coffeescript user then the arrow function premise …